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A Real Star

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ImageI finally found it – the highest quality restaurant in Barcelona. Now with a Michelin star, Hofmann has taken the ticket for the best restaurant in every way. From the service to the taste and options, I finally was able to experience and understand what it meant to have a Michelin star and be a true top-notch restaurant.

Hoffman was not only a restaurant by a dining and tasting experience. While we never ordered a tasting menu, we were basically given one as the meal began with a platter of unique and intricate snacks. From ceviche to a refreshing strawberry milk cocktail, I was more experimental than ever with this daring food. The winner was still the flat sticks of “pizza” bread that tasted exactly like a compressed pizza into a crunchy snack. The sweet nuts tasted like candy, the ceviche surprisingly tasty and not gross as I had feared, and the light cake-like green taster was interesting as well.

ImageThe presentation of the food blew me away as well. The salad wrapped into a light cracker that broke up to act as croutons, and the rest followed suit into a truly high quality dining experience that almost looked like art. For a appetizer the veal cannelloni with truffle was unbelievable, but extremely rich and therefore perfect for sharing. The taste was a genuine delicacy, as I had never tried anything like this before. The steak and lobster were also winners, but the salmon really took the cake. I asked for it grilled extra well done, and the sauce and saltiness made it truly the most incredible salmon I had ever had.

ImageAs incredible as the meal was, the deserts were earth shattering. Hoffman is knows for its surprise chocolate ball, which it a must (but I won’t give away the surprise). The other desserts to try are the chocolate fondant, one of the best lava cakes I’ve had all of abroad, and the profiteroles, which are always a great treat. But the chocolate surprise is an experience in itself, topping off this restaurant as on of my favorite ever. And to no surprise, the restaurant has a cooking school attached to it to spread its magic.

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